Handy Mail List Server 1.0 Here is a brief description of the set of requests recognized by Handy Mail List Server. Everything appearing in [] below is optional; everything appearing in <> is mandatory; all arguments are case insensitive. The vertical bar ("|") is used as a logical OR operator between the arguments. Recognized requests are: help [topic] ? [topic] -------------- Without arguments, this file. Otherwise get specific information on the selected topic. subscribe ---------------------------- The only way to subscribe to a list. unsubscribe signoff ------------------ Two ways of removing yourself from the specified list. recipients review ----------------- Get a listing of all non-concealed people subscribed to the specified list. information ------------------ Get information about the specified list. lists ----- Get a list of all local mailing lists that are served by this server. get ---------- Get the requested text file from the server. release ------- Get information about the current release of this ListServer system. set [